Step into your courage Meditation
March 8, 2023 at 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
During this 30min class, we will practice meditation as a way to step into our courage. Many of us struggle with feelings of stress, fear and anxiety. But it’s important to remind ourselves that we are not alone in feeling this way. In this guided visualisation meditation we will use a series of affirmations that will help us to re-connect to our inner strength.
In this session, we will :
- Bring awareness to the fact that all beings are connected
- Develop better awareness of our emotions. Instead of blocking out feelings of fear we will explore how we can recognise, acknowledge and let them go
- Explore how we can break the cycle of distress that leads to feelings of fear at first place
What you Need to Know Before you Join:
- You are welcome to participate with your cameras on/off
- You don’t need to be experienced to join any of our yoga or anti-stress stretching classes (the instructor provides a series of modifications for every posture)
- You can join more than once during the same day
- You can join with a family member or a friend
- You don’t need any special equipment to join (instead of a mat you can use a long towel)
- To join the class just click on the relevant hyperlink on the time you are interested to participate on the agenda above
- You don’t need to download the Zoom application to join the room – just click on the link
- If you have any issues finding the Zoom links, feel free to email us here and we will share them with you