Guided Meditation for Loneliness & Isolation
November 9, 2022 at 8:00 am - 8:30 am
| FreeDuring this 30min class we will practice meditation as a way to hack loneliness. Many of us struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation on a regular basis. But it’s important to remind to ourselves that we are not alone in feeling disconnected, isolated and friendless at some time or another. Studies have found that meditation, even if only practiced for short periods of time can reduce feelings of loneliness.
In this session, we will:
- Bring awareness to the fact that all beings are connected
- Develop better awareness of our emotions. Instead of blocking out feelings of loneliness we will explore how we can recognise, acknowledge and let them go
- Explore how we can break the cycle of distress that leads to feelings of loneliness at first place
Photo by Olia