Mindfulness Meditation to Manage Stress
March 22, 2023 at 8:00 am - 8:30 am
This is a 20-minute meditation practice combined with a 10-minute breathing technique aiming to help you alleviate emotions of stress and anxiety. According to a recent research, Australian researchers concluded that meditation is associated with lower levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. This meditation will guide us in learning how to stay calm when we face feelings of discomfort.
In this session, we will :
- Learn how to focus on the breath
- Practice easy ways of responding instead of reacting to challenging situations
- Open your attention to the present moment
What you Need to Know Before you Join:
- You are welcome to participate with your cameras on/off
- You don’t need to be experienced to join any of our yoga or anti-stress stretching classes (the instructor provides a series of modifications for every posture)
- You can join more than once during the same day
- You can join with a family member or a friend
- You don’t need any special equipment to join (instead of a mat you can use a long towel)
- To join the class just click on the relevant hyperlink on the time you are interested to participate on the agenda above
- You don’t need to download the Zoom application to join the room – just click on the link
- If you have any issues finding the Zoom links, feel free to email us here and we will share them with you