Webinar | Morning Routine to Unleash your Creativity
April 7, 2022 at 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
A strong morning routine is a set of actions we perform in the morning before starting our day’s main activity which sets us up for a productive day. What does your current morning routine look like?
- A hurried and frenzied rush out the bedroom?
- Sleeping in until the last possible minute?
- Mindlessly checking social media and not being productive?
- What are your thoughts before you get out of bed?
In this session, we will explore how to :
- Create a morning routine that works for us filled with purpose, presence, and peace
- Place our daily tasks in an Eisenhower Matrix to boost our performance
- Adopt some of the best morning routine hacks proven to boost energy and motivation
What you Need to Know Before you Join:
- You are welcome to participate with your cameras on/off
- You can join with a family member or a friend
- To join the class just click on the relevant hyperlink on the time you are interested to participate on the agenda above
- You don’t need to download the Zoom application to join the room – just click on the link
- If you have any issues finding the Zoom links, feel free to email us here and we will share them with you
Photo by Antoni